The Bladder Leak!!!
Have you ever experienced a time when your bladder became so full you thought it would burst? Most of us have. When a bathroom was in view, you rushed to it, but oops, you leaked just before you got in there. This is what happens when you live with unresolved issues, such as trauma, grief, abuse, painful situations, and hurtful relationships. You leak negativity, resentment, nasty attitudes, self-entitlement, control, anger, arrogance, violence, selfishness, and you are weak in determination and faith.
Your body is not made to hold waste – nor is your mind or heart.
Here is your opportunity to empty your heart’s bladder of all its toxins and allow it to heal! Now is the time for you to begin to function in love and authenticity!
If the heart does not heal, toxins will cause damage and take-up space making it difficult for your mind to overcome and your heart to heal. Then you likely will patch it with unhealthy habits and behaviors. Coping habits intensify when additional issues arise, such as grief. You can become consumed and add to your toxic heart. Letting go of the past and addressing pain is not an easy task but dealing with your issue will only lead to freedom, which will allow you to think clearly. That freedom opens you up for better perception, opportunities, relationships, and creativity. Choose to let go. Start the process of healing and do whatever necessary to move forward. With an open mind, expect to be catapulted into a greater YOU!
How did it feel when you finally got over that relationship or divorce, or when you walked away from that hostile work environment? That person or place was no longer in your head and heart. You felt free and were ready to move on to someone or something else. My hope is that you will realize the best version of yourself is on the other side of the healed heart. I have witnessed students and adults go through these transformations and the end result is astonishing. I too have had these experiences. It’s like a light switch turns on in the brain and living life becomes bigger and better. Suddenly, doors open. Ideas and resources are at your fingertips, and you begin to walk in truth and embrace a new start.
Let’s take a quick assessment.
Fill in the blank with the response that best describes you NOW.
I am ____.
1. growing, always open to change, and refreshing my mind to be a better person.
2. really okay; this is just how I am made, no change needed.
3. clueless, and think I need to work on my mindset.
Many people who think they are fine the way they are, usually are stuck. Unfortunately, they often do not know they are stuck. Although people who embrace change can be stuck for short periods of time, the difference is they may be aware and while stuck there is a part of them that wants to fight. You can’t erase what has been done nor foresee every situation, but you can control how you think and respond, especially if you want to move forward.
Take the time to complete a mindset checkup, and if needed, pick up the pieces of your life and take leaps of faith. This is in no way to judge your life or make you feel bad; instead, it is meant to encourage you to assess your thinking and to eliminate anything keeping you from truly living your best life authentically and in purpose.
Excerpts from "WOW! I Needed to Know THAT! by Valerie D. Johnson