Our Emotions and Our Mental Health - Part 1
Ever been called out by your friend for having an attitude? Have you ever been asked, “Are you upset about something?” or “Are you even aware you are having a mood swing?”
I had a friend who was so moody that I finally told him I didn’t have time to figure out what mood he was going to be in every day.
Is this you?
Our Emotions
We all go through emotions at some point in our lives. The question that leads to this discussion about health and wellbeing is how we handle our emotions, meaning how we respond to things that occur in our lives with our feelings.
Here are a few ways to check your emotions:
At the moment you determine your emotions are out of control or that you are very sensitive, first identify why! If you can figure out how you got there, you can deal with the problem.
Ask yourself –
1. When did the feeling begin?
2. What was the trigger?
3. What should I do to address the issue?
If need be, call a friend and share your emotions. Prayer and meditation can help to calm you. It is okay to work through your emotions but very dangerous to hold onto them. If you don’t address them, you could find yourself making emotional decisions, hurting people’s feelings, or even losing your job. We all know hotheads; they go off when triggered. They don’t think through their emotions but instead engage them. Road rage is a prime example. These drivers become angry and react without thought of consequence. If you talk with that person you will most likely find they were mad about something completely unrelated to the road rage. They lashed out because of the negative emotions they were holding on to.
How many people do you know talk before they think? Their emotions are at the forefront of every comment. My mom used to say, “Think before you speak!” It was on auto-repeat in our home. As a result, I learned how to hold my tongue in heated arguments and in business meetings. It didn’t mean not speaking up; it meant keeping my emotions in check so I could exercise wisdom to yield a better result.
Don’t allow the core of unresolved issues to drive you to make a poor decision that you will later regret.